Course Title:

Enhancing Sustainable Health System Resilience, Quality Assurance, and Health Insurance Strategies

Course ID:

120824 0101 2881ESH

Course Dates :




Course Duration :


Course Location:


United Kingdom

Course Fees GBP £ :

Primary Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Fees USD $:

Advisory Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Category:

Professional and CPD Training Programs

Leadership, Management, Lean , Strategy

Course Certified By:

* Professional Training and CPD Programs
Leading to : Executive Diploma Certificate
Leading to : Executive Mini Masters Certificate
Leading to : Executive Masters Certificate

* LondonUni - Executive Management Training
* Others

United Kingdom

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Information


Welcome to the "Enhancing Sustainable Health System Resilience, Quality Assurance, and Health Insurance Strategies" course.
Over the next 20 days, we will embark on an intensive journey designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to strengthen health systems in the face of contemporary challenges.
In today's rapidly changing world, health systems must be robust and adaptable to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality care.
This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of sustainable health system resilience, focusing on the integration of quality assurance measures and effective health insurance strategies.
By the end of this course, you will be well-prepared to contribute to the development of resilient health systems that can withstand and adapt to various stressors while maintaining high standards of care and ensuring financial protection for all.
Throughout the course, we will explore the following key areas:
* Health System Resilience: Understanding the core principles of resilience in health systems and how to apply these principles to withstand and recover from disruptions.
* Quality Assurance: Implementing robust quality assurance frameworks to ensure continuous improvement in healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.
* Health Insurance Strategies: Designing and managing health insurance schemes that promote access to care, financial protection, and sustainability.

Our curriculum will include a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical case studies, interactive discussions, and expert insights.
You will have the opportunity to engage with industry leaders, policy makers, and fellow professionals, fostering a collaborative learning environment that encourages the exchange of ideas and best practices.
Join us as we delve into the essential elements of building and sustaining health systems that are not only resilient but also capable of providing high-quality care and comprehensive insurance coverage.
Together, we will shape the future of healthcare, ensuring it remains equitable, efficient, and sustainable for generations to come.


To equip executive members with advanced tools and techniques to build and strengthen sustainable health system resilience and ensure quality accreditation, monitoring, and assurance in health and social care.

By the end of this 20-day course, participants will be able to:

1. **Understand Health System Resilience:**
- Define and explain the key components and principles of health system resilience.
- Analyze the factors that contribute to the resilience of health systems in various contexts.
- Assess the capacity of health systems to respond to and recover from crises and disruptions.

2. **Implement Quality Assurance Measures:**
- Identify and apply effective quality assurance frameworks in healthcare settings.
- Evaluate the impact of quality assurance on patient safety, care outcomes, and overall system performance.
- Develop and implement continuous quality improvement initiatives within health organizations.

3. **Design and Manage Health Insurance Strategies:**
- Understand the principles and models of health insurance and their role in health system sustainability.
- Design health insurance schemes that ensure broad access to healthcare services and financial protection for populations.
- Analyze the economic and policy considerations involved in implementing and managing health insurance programs.

4. **Integrate Resilience, Quality, and Insurance in Health Systems:**
- Develop strategies that integrate resilience, quality assurance, and health insurance to create robust health systems.
- Identify best practices and lessons learned from global health systems that have successfully integrated these elements.
- Formulate action plans to enhance the resilience, quality, and financial sustainability of health systems in diverse settings.

5. **Enhance Leadership and Policy-Making Skills:**
- Strengthen leadership capabilities to drive health system reforms and innovations.
- Engage in policy analysis and advocacy to support the implementation of resilient, high-quality, and sustainable health systems.
- Foster collaboration among stakeholders to achieve shared health system goals.

6. **Apply Knowledge to Real-World Scenarios:**
- Use case studies and practical exercises to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world health system challenges.
- Develop problem-solving skills to address complex issues related to health system resilience, quality assurance, and health insurance.
- Prepare for potential future challenges by developing proactive strategies and contingency plans.

Through achieving these objectives, participants will be empowered to make significant contributions to the enhancement and sustainability of health systems worldwide.

Who Should Attend?

• Top Management
• Middle Management
• Healthcare administrators and managers
• Clinicians and healthcare professionals
• Quality improvement specialists
• Innovation and strategy professionals in healthcare
• Individuals interested in advancing their creative thinking skills within the context of health service development

Training Method

• Pre-assessment
• Live group instruction
• Use of real-world examples, case studies and exercises
• Interactive participation and discussion
• Power point presentation, LCD and flip chart
• Group activities and tests
• Each participant receives a 7” Tablet containing a copy of the presentation, slides and handouts
• Post-assessment

Program Support

This program is supported by:
* Interactive discussions
* Role-play
* Case studies and highlight the techniques available to the participants.

Daily Agenda

The course agenda will be as follows:
• Technical Session 08.30-10.00 am
• Coffee Break 10.00-10.15 am
• Technical Session 10.15-12.15 noon
• Coffee Break 12.15-12.45 pm
• Technical Session 12.45-02.30 pm
• Course Ends 02.30 pm

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Outlines

Week 1

Day 1:
Introduction to Health System Resilience
• Morning Session:
o o Course Overview and Objectives
o o Key Concepts of Health System Resilience
o o Case Studies: Resilient Health Systems in Various Contexts
• Afternoon Session:
o o Interactive Workshop: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities in Participants' Health Systems
o o WHO Health System Performance Assessment
o o Group Discussion: Lessons Learned from Global Health Crises
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o System Dynamics Modeling
o o o SWOT Analysis for Health Systems
o o o Resilience Maturity Model

Day 2:
Understanding Health System Frameworks
• Morning Session:
o o Health System Building Blocks (WHO Framework)
o o Governance and Leadership in Health Systems
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Mapping Health System Strengths and Weaknesses
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Health System Assessment Toolkit
o o o Stakeholder Analysis

Day 3:
Health System Financing and Sustainability
• Morning Session:
o o Financing Mechanisms and Models
o o Sustainable Health Financing Strategies
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Innovative Health Financing Solutions
o o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Health Financing Diagnostic Tool
o o o Cost-Benefit Analysis

Day 4:
Strengthening Health Workforce
• Morning Session:
o o Human Resources for Health: Challenges and Solutions
o o Strategies for Workforce Development and Retention
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Developing a Health Workforce Plan
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Health Workforce Planning and Projection Tool
o o o Competency-Based Training Modules

Day 5:
Service Delivery and Infrastructure
• Morning Session:
o o Improving Access to Quality Health Services
o o Infrastructure Development and Maintenance
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Successful Service Delivery Models
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA)
o o o Facility Performance Improvement Plan
o o o Geospatial Analysis Tools

Week 2

Day 6:
Information Systems and Data Management
• Morning Session:
o o Health Information Systems: Design and Implementation
o o Data Management and Utilization
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Developing an Information System Strategy
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Health Management Information System (HMIS) Toolkit
o o o Data Quality Assessment (DQA)

Day 7:
Health System Governance and Accountability
• Morning Session:
o o Principles of Good Governance in Health Systems
o o Accountability Mechanisms and Practices
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Governance Reforms in Health Systems
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Governance Self-Assessment Tool
o o o Accountability Frameworks
o o o Blockchain for Health Governance

Day 8:
Introduction to Quality Accreditation in Health Care
• Morning Session:
o o Principles and Standards of Health Care Accreditation
o o Overview of International Accreditation Bodies (JCI, ISO)
o o OECD Health Care Quality Indicators
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Preparing for Accreditation
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Accreditation Readiness Checklist
o o o Gap Analysis Tool

Day 9:
Quality Monitoring and Assurance
• Morning Session:
o o Designing Quality Monitoring Programs
o o Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Health Care Quality
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Successful Quality Monitoring Programs
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Quality Monitoring Framework
o o o Balanced Scorecard for Health Care

Day 10:
Advanced Techniques in Quality Improvement
• Morning Session:
o o Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Techniques
o o Best Practices from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
o o Lean and Six Sigma in Health Care
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Applying CQI Techniques
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
o o o Statistical Process Control (SPC) Charts
o o o Lean Six Sigma Toolkit for Health Care
o o o Process Mapping
o o o Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle

Week 3

Day 11:
Patient Safety and Risk Management
• Morning Session:
o o Strategies for Enhancing Patient Safety
o o Risk Management Frameworks
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Implementing a Patient Safety Program
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Toolkit
o o o Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Day 12:
Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health
• Morning Session:
o o Addressing Health Inequities
o o Integrating Social Determinants of Health into Health Systems
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Developing Strategies for Health Equity
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Health Equity Impact Assessment
o o o GIS Mapping for Health Equity
o o o Social Determinants of Health Framework

Day 13:
Integrating Technology and Innovation in Health Systems
• Morning Session:
o o Role of Technology in Health System Strengthening
o o Innovative Health Technologies (Telehealth, AI, mHealth)
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Implementing Telehealth Solutions
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Digital Health Toolkit
o o o AI-Based Predictive Analytics in Health Care

Day 14:
Collaborative Approaches and Partnerships
• Morning Session:
o o Building Effective Partnerships in Health Systems
o o Multi-sectoral Approaches to Health
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Developing a Partnership Strategy
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Partnership Assessment Tool
o o o Collaborative Frameworks and Agreements

Day 15:
Strategic Planning and Future Directions
• Morning Session:
o o Strategic Planning for Health System Resilience
o o Setting Goals and Measuring Impact
• Afternoon Session:
o o Group Exercise: Developing an Action Plan
o o Course Review and Feedback
o o Tools and Techniques:
o o o Strategic Planning Toolkit
o o o Impact Measurement Framework

Week 4

Day 16:
Introduction to Health Insurance Systems
• Morning Session:
o o Overview of Health Insurance Models (Bismarck, Beveridge, National Health Insurance, Out-of-Pocket)
o o Key Components of Health Insurance Systems
o o Comparative Analysis of Health Insurance Models Worldwide
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Assessing Current Health Insurance Systems
o o Advanced Tools and Techniques:
o o o Health Insurance Landscape Analysis Tool: Evaluating existing health insurance systems.
o o o Comparative Health Systems Software: Comparing different international health insurance models.

Day 17:
Health Insurance Design and Implementation
• Morning Session:
o o Designing Health Insurance Plans
o o Risk Pooling and Management
o o Premium Setting and Actuarial Analysis
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Successful Health Insurance Implementations
o o Advanced Tools and Techniques:
o o o Actuarial Software: Tools for premium calculation and risk assessment.
o o o Health Insurance Design Framework: Best practices in designing comprehensive health insurance plans.

Day 18:
Health Insurance Regulation and Compliance
• Morning Session:
o o Regulatory Frameworks for Health Insurance
o o Ensuring Compliance with National and International Standards
o o Fraud Detection and Prevention in Health Insurance
• Afternoon Session:
o o Workshop: Developing a Compliance and Anti-Fraud Strategy
o o Advanced Tools and Techniques:
o o o Regulatory Compliance Toolkit: Ensuring adherence to health insurance regulations.
o o o Fraud Detection Algorithms: Using machine learning to identify and prevent fraud.

Day 19:
Technology and Innovation in Health Insurance
• Morning Session:
o o Role of Technology in Health Insurance Administration
o o Innovative Health Insurance Technologies (Blockchain, AI, Telemedicine)
• Afternoon Session:
o o Case Study: Implementation of Technology Solutions in Health Insurance
o o Advanced Tools and Techniques:
o o o Blockchain for Health Insurance: Enhancing transparency and security.
o o o AI-Based Claims Processing: Automating and optimizing health insurance claims.

Day 20:
Strategic Planning and Future Directions in Health Insurance
• Morning Session:
o o Strategic Planning for Health Insurance Growth and Sustainability
o o Integrating Health Insurance with Health System Resilience
• Afternoon Session:
o o Group Exercise: Developing a Strategic Plan for Health Insurance
o o Course Review and Feedback
o o Certification Ceremony
o o Advanced Tools and Techniques:
o o o Strategic Planning Toolkit: Comprehensive guide for developing strategic plans for health insurance.
o o o Integration Framework: Linking health insurance strategies with overall health system resilience.

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

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